
Welcome to Clockwork Goblin

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Hi to everyone visiting  the site for the first time- welcome to Clockwork Goblin Miniatures!



We are in the final stages of prepping our first release of models right now. With the website going live, we thought we would take this opportunity to let everyone know what we are about and what our plans for the future include.

Clockwork Goblin Miniatures is the brainchild of Chris (the grumpy goblin) and Russ (the arty goblin). We have each been wargamers for over 25 years before deciding to bring our own models to the market. We aim to provide high quality miniatures using a 'digital' design process that takes advantage of the very latest in 3d sculpting and printing technology. This technology allows us to design detailed models quickly and create unique pieces. There are some unique advantages to digital model creation, allowing us to change, repose and alter models in minutes rather than hours, providing more time to design and polish our miniatures. We can even create single, one off commissions through this method! 3D design is starting to gain momentum in the miniatures market and we think that it will become one of the dominant methods for creating models in the coming years.

Our initial range is for War Without End, our alternative history take on World War II. It is our intention to initially support four main factions, USA, Germany , Great britian and the Soviets. We will be developing this range over the coming six months. With the wealth of excellent existing historical 15mm models for WWII available, we will concentrate on the bizarre, unusual and downright insane elements that create our setting! There will also be suggested rules for the most popular 15mm game systems. War Without End has the potential to grow and grow- it all depends on you guys!

Shortly after the first 15mm figures hit, we will be following up with the Apocalypse Z ranges. We will start with 28mm scaled versions of our zombies, and follow this with some undead goodies for various periods- ACW Confederate Zombies are shambling towards production, for example!

We will also be releasing some heads, arms and other accessories for asome of the most popular historical, fantasy and sci fi settings currently available. These will provide some unique options and twists for all your favourite models.


It is early days for us right now, but we have the passion and vision to create some excellent products and we can't wait to get them into your hands! Check back regularly for updates, sneak peeks and other goodness..


Many thanks


Russ (the arty goblin)

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  1. Mike Harrop

    Can't wait for some of those 15mm WWW2 to try with the Bolt Action rules with some weird tweaks.

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